Cool Website Tuesdays: Google Transit

I really don’t like driving. Really. That’s why I live in Los Angeles (actually, Long Beach). I try to take public transportation when possible, which is almost impossible where I live, save the occasional trip to Belmont Shore.

If you don’t like driving and want to get moving without a car, use Google Transit. They aren’t supporting every city yet, but they have Los Angeles and Orange County, which alone shocks me.

All I did was enter in the address I started at, where I wanted to go, and Google did the rest: suggest several locations of “Did you mean?”, showed my alternate routes, and which bus routes I would have to take.  

What is amazing about the tie in to their massive search database is that you don’t even have to enter in addresses; you can enter in a business name, it will show you a number of options (say, a restaurant, or your workplace). It also supports multimodal transportation, like going from subway to bus to train in New York City, elegantly.