Microsoft: IE to Start Automatic Upgrades

Only took 15 years to figure this one out. From Microsoft:

Everyone benefits from an up-to-date browser.

The Web overall is better – and safer – when more people run the most up-to-date browser. Our goal is to make sure that Windows customers have the most up-to-date and safest browsing experience possible, with the best protections against malicious software such as malware.

Peter Clarke, Chief Technology Officer  for the  Isle of Man government, recently talked about the importance of approach in moving the Web forward, while respecting customer choice:

"Getting people to use the latest browser version has many benefits, chief among them is that newer browsers have better security features and keep users safer. The Internet Explorer team's balanced approach to helping people move to the latest version is a good idea. Not only does it help individual users, it also takes into consideration the needs of enterprises."

As we move to more SaaS based services and on demand software, version numbers should matter less and less. It benefits everyone (from customer support to end users to product managers) when software releases are more gradual.

There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting a year for a set of features that should be released over time. More updates that are smaller also mean happier customers.

Why did it take so long to figure this out?