Usability Counts Resume and Portfolio Bootcamp — November 13, San Francisco, California

Usability Counts Resume and Portfolio Bootcamp

$50 (A promocode of BOOTCAMP gets you 50% off for the first 10 registrants). If you’re a student, send me an email — I might need a few volunteers to help.

The Location

November 13, 2012 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Citizen Space
425 2nd Street #100
San Francisco, CA

Register now

The process of getting a great user experience job that you love isn’t as hard as you would think — you just have to tell your story.

The Usability Counts UX Resume and Portfolio Bootcamp will happen November 13, 2012 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in San Francisco, California. The event covers all aspects of getting that UX job you love:

  • Presenting a great resume
  • How to properly present your experience
  • Crafting a portfolio that tells your story

Also covered are questions to ask and what to look for, so you can find the right culture for your skills and career.