Fast Company: Legendary Design Guru Jony Ive Now Runs Apple Software Design, Too

Users don’t distinguish between hardware and software. They just want devices that work:

Jony Ive–the man behind the iMac, the iPhone, and the iPad hardware–will be taking a brand new role as head of human interface design alongside his existing role as leader of industrial design. He will run hardware and software. Apparently, after hinting to The Telegraph earlier this year that he was upset with the skeuomorphic designs of Apple’s software, Ive made a powerplay within the company.

It’s particularly relevant for Apple when you consider what looks to be a pretty inevitable future, a world where desktop software and mobile software seamlessly complement each other. The style is minimal. Buttons may not even exist. Control by touch, mouse, voice, gesture–it makes no matter. All that’s important is the information you wield as naturally as possible wherever you want to see it.

 This might be one of the biggest (and most positive) changes Apple has ever made. Expect Jony to put a stamp on Apple far beyond his previous influence.