QuickTip Sundays: SixRevisions And The Lack Of Search

If you run a blog, there should be a search box somewhere on the site

I might have written another post about this — it might have been Baseball Prospectus — where I described the issue where search was confusing because there were too many different ways. In their case it’s probably a technical issue because they’re on some custom hacked together content management system.

Six Revisions is different: they’re on WordPress, which has search right out of the box (notice the search box I have on this site, nice and big). Yet, there’s no way to search the site except through using google. It’s really disappointing, because the content is off the charts, and I was going to find a Photoshop article along the lines of their Illustrator article to send to a friend, but I can’t. I have to browse through their archives; this increases page views, but I don’t want to take the time.

It’s simple: blog readers sometimes want to see what’s on the inside, and the easiest way to do it is either through free form search, or through tag clouds.

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